ကြ်န္ေတာ့္ ဘေလာ့ေလးတြင္ တျခားေသာ နညး္ပညာ ဆိုဒ္မ်ားမွ ပို႕စ္မ်ားအား ကူးယူေဖၚျပျခင္းျဖစ္ပါေသာေၾကာင့္ ပို႕စ္ပိုင္ရွင္မ်ား ေရာက္ရွိလာသည္ရွိေသာ္ အျပစ္ေတာ္မယူပဲ နည္းပညာ မွ်ေ၀သည့္အေနျဖင့္ ျဖန္႕ေ၀ျခင္းျဖစ္ပါေသာေၾကာင့္ ခြင့္လႊတ္နားလည္ေပးၾကပါရန္

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Led Flashlight Plus

Led Flashlight Plus is the fastest loading led app in the Play Store.
Why bother having a ton of features you don’t need and will never use. This is the best led flashlight app because it does what is suppose to do, turn the led on. Don’t bother doing a million things you’ll never use. The one true feature you need is to look your flashlight, and be able to go back to any other app, like read a message, post on a social network, all while your light is still ON.
- Super fast loading.
- Nice blue Led Flashlight On/Off Button.
- Lock option. This option disables the On/Off button and keeps the light ON even if you switch to another app(you can’t use the camera while in lock mode).
- Hi resolution HD images, one for each resolution screen size.
- Awesome home screen icon.
- Prevents the device from switching to sleep mode.
Your phone needs to have a led flashlight in the back for this app to work. All flashlights are leds, so if you have flash on your camera, this app should work. Please do not download/complain if your phone doesn’t have one.

Size : 1.9M
Current Version : 3.3
Requires Android : 2.3 and up


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